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There is a heightened intensity of interest in twin flames today because that is the relationship that enables you to fulfill the greater portion of your fiery destiny. God knows this. God is sponsoring the true relationships of twin flames. ~ Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Sunshine Twin Flame Unions are emerging like mad. Never before have I seen the circle widening like it has over the past 6 months. There’s a reason for this: as Twins, the time for us to live the fullness of our fiery destiny is NOW. These seeds were dormant for aeons, just waiting to be activated at this time so we could make our One-soul contributions. Every Union has a specific mission. Do you know yours? More and more people are becoming aware that they’re involved in these Divine partnerships. And with that awareness comes both a sense of peace in discovering that there’s an actual identifier for this type of connection and the inevitable questions that follow: what do we do now; how to we navigate in a way that allows us to fulfill on our fiery destiny? Here are the 3 most prominent sparks I can share to move you ahead RIGHT NOW:

  1. Learn the subtle nuances of your Union. Although there are those of us who have lived the Twin Flame journey and are committed to championing others on this path, there is no substitute for delving deep into your connection and trusting it to guide you. There is no other Flame like yours and it deserves the honor only you and your partner can give it. In turn, it will inform you on your mission and in taking every next step.
  2. Trust your individual high-heart guidance. Even though you are in this holy Union (two breaths of a single soul), you each bring a valuable perspective that is individuated… and that’s purposeful. Think: two vibrant and complementary expressions uniting for a high purpose. That’s why it’s so important to remain connected to your unique role within the connection. Sometimes that means going boldly through your next open door (without your Twin).
  3. Follow the inspired wisdom of your Union with tangible action. When the fire of the Connection exhales, there’s usually an action step to take, even if that action is consciously being still. The message is crystal-clear. You’ll know precisely what to do next; the very next stepping stone. As you attune to that voice over time, the information will present itself more quickly and in ways that spark an even greater understanding of the connection. Taking action reinforces your trust in the incoming information. It says you are paying attention and that you’ll do whatever it takes to fulfill your fiery destiny.

This is a BIG mission with enormous positive potential in all directions, for all time. It is a great responsibility you have accepted by agreeing to live this experience. You are a courageous One-soul. With that level of commitment, comes support from the ‘big guns’ at every step. Your mission is assured.